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Monday, January 3, 2011

On my way!

In my first ever posting I declared that I will make all my presents this year.  So I've been sewing like crazy to finish my first two gifts of the year.

The first is a Melly and Me 'Mrs Perkins' giraffe.  It's for a baby shower - the lady having her baby has an 'African' theme in the nursery so I thought the giraffe would be a perfect addition.  Instead of sewing on the eyes with fabric, I used googlies, and I added a tail - will be for display purposes only!

The second is a Melly and Me 'Mr Magoo' monkey which I've turned into a Ms Magoo.  It's for a close friend of mine who will be having a birthday in about three weeks.  I've tried to customise her to make her a little personalised.  I've added a tattoo of a sun, I've made her wear a skirt with a frill (as per the receipient!) and I stuffed up the ear, so I've hidden it with a cleverly placed matching yoyo!  Then when I woke up this morning, I thought she was missing something, so I added a beaded bracelet and a scarf!  I'm very happy with the finished product, just hope she is too!

Finally, I have a follower and my first comment - it was sooooo exciting I called my bf in to show and did a little happy dance - so thanks so much Kimberly, you made my month!  Off now to make a flying geese bag for the next gift - thanks for the great tutorial!

All these gifts, when will the paper piecing get a leg in... ha ha
Til next time, T x

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Welcome to blogland me!

I've officially done it - I've succumbed to the world of blogging.  I can't help but think it's a little self indulgent, but I'm hoping on this first day of 2011 it will be a tool to inspire, motivate and get those projects moving!

So I'm kicking of the blog with a few new year resolutions - the ones of a crafty nature that is!
  1. All my presents this year will be home-made.
  2. I aim to share my little tips and tricks to all things related paper piecing with the wider world.
  3. I will make huge progress on all of my paper piecing projects in 2011 (I'm not going to type finish, because lets face it, the first one is really going to be a challenge in itself!).
 I have quite a few quilting friends and they are all a little flabergastered when I tell them of my love for paper piecing.  "It just takes soooooo long" is something I hear quite a bit, but I just love it.  I love the notion that I am making a quilt, not a machine.  I love creating the templates and sitting in front of the telly cutting out all the little bits of paper for my next big project.  

I'm resisting the urge to tell you everything and every project I have on the go right now, because, well, to be honest, if I say it all now what will I blog about next time??? ha ha

If anyone stumbles upon this, I'm working on a hexagon template to post and a little step by step guide to paper piecing hexagons.  I know there is already a lot out there - but one more can't hurt - right?

Until next time....  T x